


  1. Mendelian imputation of parental genotypes improves estimates of direct genetic effects
    Alexander I Young, Seyed Moeen Nehzati, Stefania Benonisdottir , and 7 more authors
    Nature genetics, 2022
  2. Nat. Genet.
    Polygenic prediction of educational attainment within and between families from genome-wide association analyses in 3 million individuals
    Aysu Okbay, Yeda Wu, Nancy Wang , and 8 more authors
    Nature genetics, 2022
  3. Novel estimators for family-based genome-wide association studies increase power and robustness
    Junming Guan, Seyed Moeen Nehzati, Daniel J Benjamin , and 1 more author
    bioRxiv, 2022


  1. arXiv
    Building Stable Off-chain Payment Networks
    MohammadAmin Fazli, Seyed Moeen Nehzati, and MohammadAmin Salarkia
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.03367, 2021