Moeen Nehzati

Affiliations. NYU Department of Economics


Office 630

19 West 4th Street

New York, NY 10003

I’m a Ph.D. student at NYU department of economics. Previously, I was a Predoctoral Research Fellow at UCLA Anderson School of Management working on genoeconomics with Daniel Benjamin and Alexander Young. Prior to that, I held the same position at USC and before that, I was an auction design consultant at Cafe Bazaar, working on online ad auctions. I did my undergrad in computer engineering at Sharif University of Technology with a dissertation on algorithmic welfare maximization in the Lightning Network, an off-chain solution to Bitcoin’s scalability problem.

My interest spans a wide range of topics all with a slight computational flavor: Economic Theory, Applied Microeconomics, and Econometrics and Machine Learning

selected publications

  1. Nat. Genet.
    Polygenic prediction of educational attainment within and between families from genome-wide association analyses in 3 million individuals
    Aysu Okbay, Yeda Wu, Nancy Wang , and 8 more authors
    Nature genetics, 2022